So I practiced and practiced for months, usually playing a game a day, often more. Still I could not break out of Bronze 4. So I did something drastic:
I took lessons. I paid AotW Lemons for two 1 hour lessons a week apart. He was a great coach, and helped me a lot. We played a game each session, with me as Cait (my main) and him as support. We were on Skype, and he told me what I was doing wrong as it happened, and told me which things I did well.
Turns out I was doing pretty well with CS (getting gold from killing minions), but badly with positioning. I was not using Cait's range to its fullest advantage.
One month later, I was promoted to Bronze 2. From the bottom of Bronze 4 to Bronze 3 I went on a winning streak of about 7 ranked games in a row. Here's the chart of my LoLKing score:
The results of the game that promoted me follow:
My duo partner was Skarner, a Silver 3. Note that I'm in a game with nobody ranked lower than Bronze 2 here, and I went 13/7/14 with Ziggs mid. The things Lemons helped me with on bot lane have improved my game all over the map.
So if you're a long-time struggling LoL player who is still stuck in the bottom ranks, let me recommend you take a few lessons. It's worth the money and time. Also, LoL is a game that gets more fun as you get better at it!
Next target: get to Silver 5.
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